Some traumatic events leave scars.
After experiencing trauma, it is not unusual to experience long-lasting problems. Many individuals live with post-traumatic stress symptoms that are both chronic and severe.
These types of events can create emotional and behavioral problems symptomatic of trauma.
Individuals suffering from trauma may experience persistent nightmares or suffer from insomnia. Others might strike out in fits of anger or aggression.
Trauma can cause individuals to become self-isolating and have a lack of interest in life. Some might be prone to self-harming behaviors or experience other types of somatic disturbances.
These types of scars don’t disappear with time. Recovery requires professional help.
People can recover from trauma.
In the first stages of trauma therapy, we learn more effective and less harmful ways to deal with the overwhelming pain you feel.
Therapy also helps you cope with symptoms, such as fear and anxiety.
Healing from trauma can help you feel more in control of your life and feel entitled to your own thoughts and feelings, develop closer relationships with others, relieve trauma symptoms, and learn healthy ways to re-connect with your body.
Let’s heal those scars.
Please know you will not always feel like this, and I am here to help until you feel better.
Contact me today! Please call me at (916) 880-6387 or complete the contact form below.